Recipients of the Outstanding Dissertation Award
of the Council for Research in Music Education
Lived Experiences of Transgender and Gender Expansive College Marching Band Members
Justin C. McManus
Exploring Musical Knowledge Within One Canadian School of Music: Ideology, Pedagogy, and Identity
Kyle Zavitz
Engaging Indigenous Voices in the Academy:
Indigenizing Music in Canadian Universities
Laurel Forshaw
Critical Border Crossing: Exploring Positionalities
Through Soundscape Composition & Critical Reflection
Kelly Bylica
Making It Through: Persistence and Attrition
Along Music, Education, and Music Education Pathways
Adam Grisé
A Corpus-assisted Discourse Analysis
of Music-related Practices within
Jared O’Leary
On Stage, Off, and In-between:
Negotiating Gay Identity and Teacher Identity in the Choral Classroom
Nicholas McBride
A Model of Classroom Environment and Social-Psychological Factors Influencing Computer-Based Compositional Creativity
Candice Ann Davenport
Ensemble Educators, Administrators, and Evaluation:
Support, Survival, and Navigating Change in a High-Stakes Environment
Cara F. Bernard
Virtual Vocal Ensembles and the Mediation of Performance on YouTube
Christopher Cayari
“They Wasn’t Makin’ My Kinda Music”:
Hip-Hop, Schooling, and Music Education
Adam J. Kruse
A Social Phenomenological Investigation of Music Teachers’ Senses
of Self, Place, and Practice
Elizabeth Bucura
Music at Home: A Portrait of Family Music-Making
Patricia Gingras
Justifying Music Education:
Econometric Analyses of Issues in Music Education Policy
Kenneth Elpus
Voices Not Heard: Voice-Use Profiles of Elementary Music Teachers, the Effects of Voice Amplification on Vocal Load, and Perceptions of Issues Surrounding Voice Use
Sharon Morrow
Conceptions of Effective Teaching and Role-Identity Development
Among Preservice Music Educators
Wesley D. Brewer
Career Decisions of String Music Educators:
Factors Associated with Retention, Migration, and Attrition
Joshua Alexander Russell
Teaching Music to Students with Special Needs: A Phenomenological Examination of Participants in a Fieldwork Experience
Ryan Hourigan
Socialization and Occupational Identity Among Preservice Music Teachers Enrolled in Traditional Baccalaureate Degree Programs
Daniel Scott Isbell
Merry Throngs and Street Gangs: The Fabrication of Whiteness and the Worthy Citizen in Early Vocal Instruction and Music Appreciation, 1830-1930
Ruth Gustafson
Crossing Over: Mutual Learning and Democratic Action
in Instrumental Music Education
Randall Everett Allsup
The Transmission of Ghanaian Music by Culture-Bearers:
From Master Musician to Music Teacher
Sheila J. Feay-Shaw
Teacher Practice, Pedagogical Discourses and the Construction of Knowledge:
Two Case Studies of Teachers at Work
Thorolf Kruger
Consistency of Tempo Judgments as a Measure of Time
Experience in Music Listening
Eleni Lapidaki
Qualitative and Quantitative Relationships between Children’s Creative
Musical Thinking Processes and Products
Maud Mary Hickey
Perceptual Modalities in Music Listening Among Third-Grade Students
Robert E. Dunn
A History of Multicultural Music Education in the Public Schools
of the United States, 1900-1990
Therese Volk
A History of the Northshore Concert Band, Wilmette, Illinois, 1956-1986:
The First Thirty Years
William Carson
Images of Imagination: A Philosophical Study of Imagination in Music with Application to Music Education
Mary Reichling
Intelligence and Feeling: A Philosophical Examination of These Concepts as Interdependent Factors in Music Experience and Music Education
W. Ann Stokes
Music Education and the Quest for Cultural Identity in Ireland, 1831-1989
Marie McCarthy
Melodic Schemata, Forms of Representation, and Cognitive Strategies Used by Fourth-Graders in the Recall and Reproduction of Familiar Songs
Janet Revell Barrett
The Effects of Vocal Coordination Instruction of the Pitch Accuracy, Range, Pitch Discrimination, and Tonal Memory of Inaccurate Singers
Jeffrey Aaron
Factors Affecting Accuracy in Children’s Singing
Mary Goetze
A Phenomenology of Music Themes Concerning the Musical Object and
Implications for Teaching and Learning
Douglas Bartholomew
A Computer-Based Trainer for Music Conducting:
The Effects of Four Feedback Modes
David Schwaegle
The Effects of Group Breath Control Training on Selected Vocal Measures Related to the
Singing Ability of Elementary Students in Grades Two, Three, and Four
Kenneth Phillips
Modified Path Analysis of a Skills-Based Instructional Effectiveness Model for Beginning Teachers in Instrumental Music Education
Richard Sang